Giuseppina Toscano was born in Catania in 1962. She attended the State Institute of Art and the Accademia delle Belle Arti. From her childhood, she has been in close contact with local artisans, and spent many long hours in her father’s glazier’s workshop, fascinated and attracted by the substance which she calls “magical”.
The love for this substance brought her to combine this experience with her studies: and so, she started to make artistic glasswork for private customers, as well as for church and social use. The windows of the principal Church of Linguaglossa (1985) and of Aci Castello (1991) are hers. She has also restored many glassworks in the last ten years: amongst the more important, the Vetrate della Loggetta (1993) in Villa Zingale, in the University of Catania.
But the desire and the need to express the formal and decorative possibilities of this material, together with her creative spirit and alchemical nature have brought her to study further, discovering an expressive language of her own in the experimenting with the fusion of natural materials and which is a way to the infinite.
This discovery, was found being unique in the world, and therefore, once the “bureau of Patent” had carried out the due case analysis, she was given the official patent document for her development process ( 1997 ).
Ever since, her oeuvres have been exhibited in many international art galleries around the world, showing the art of opalescent and moving magma, their pure primordial textures, as well as the waving of fluid lava and the vitrified rocks explosions, which are considered being the magmatic expression of the Island of Sicily, and its volcano, Mount Etna.
She teaches plastic arts at the State Institute of Art, Catania. She lives and works in Aci Bonaccorsi, on the slopes of Mount Etna.
Official Participations